Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Happenings of my music scene

So Now I will most likely be performing at Theatre Central's "Coffee House", which is pretty much a really cool thing that the school throws together each year that let's anyone show people what they have to offer in terms of song writing, poetry, and little skits. As of now, I am for sure playing with my two good friends, Anne and Delbert. We will be covering a Kanye West song, "When It all Falls Down". That should be a lot of fun, and i'm really looking foward to it. Anne and myself also really want to do something with a long time bandmate of mine, Connor Rice. Last night Anne and I were just really chilling to some songs that we would want to cover, and we both decided that we really would like to do the song, "Rollercoaster Ride", by Belle & Sebastian. So, I guess time will tell about how that turns out, but I have a really good feeling about it...
Lately I've been very satisfied musically, I just performed for my essay writing class a few days ago, and even though I was terribly nervous, it felt really good to show people sides of me that I could never show them elsewhere besides through music. What I'm really exited about right now is the new band i'm in, The Experience. It consists of Me on guitar, Connor Rice on guitars and vocals, John Lewis on Bass, and Brian Riely on drums. The first practice was so satisfifying and amazing, I really have a great feeling that the band will be the most successfull one that i've been in. Another reason why it felt so good was because i just came off a run with my ex-band, The Postmaster Generals, and It just felt really good to start something new.
So I guess this will set the beginning of something new, a new chapter to my life, although it may be short, I am looking forward for the times to come.

That is all i have, untill then,

peace and love


Blogger Matt said...

Good luck... Hahaha I wasn't in the best of moods while you were putting it together in your basement...

3:12 PM  

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