Saturday, March 03, 2007

So here's to the sailor in the middle of a dark sea... Who knows exactly where he's sailing to and what he wants when he gets there, but can't achieve either just yet, for he must stick out the last few nights away at sea, just him and the infinite stars and space above him. Just let nature run it's course. Yes, he may have faced the choppiest of all waters and roughest of all storms, but he's managed to feebely pull through. As if amoungst all the hysteria, the doubting, failures, he hasn't forgotten about what lies ahead for him. For a time he significantly doubted everything the future held, especially during the choppiest of the seas, and came to believe that he would never make it out of the stormy waters. But after a great deal of wrestling with his demons and riding out the roughest monsoons, has returned to a new state of hope, and with that new hope will get through the rest of his nights at sea, and will live out the future that contains his hopes, lovers, dreams, success, and friendships.
He will prevail.

That's how I feel right now in a nut-shell. As cheesy and steriotypical as that fable, short story, (call it whatever)is.