Sunday, December 17, 2006

Free Write

I wrote this randomly a couple of nights ago... While listning to one of my favorite bands, Explosions In The Sky. Hence, the use of song titles and the band name.

Look into the air...
Explosions in the sky above...
Nothing you can do, see, hear.
Just looking into the bleak amount of nothing
The amount of your tears invested into this dark sky...

Look into the beatiful sky...

I'm not really sure what that meant, or what it means. I guess some could show just how small humans are to the rest of the universe. When you think about it, all we are is tiny specks, and the everlasting universe could eat us up in a second. I could go on for hours about this. This is something that just boggles my mind. It's just crazy to think about how everything could have started. How did space itself begin? There wasn't just space out of nowhere... It's an interesting thought....


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