Sunday, December 17, 2006

Weekend Conclusion...

This weekend was somewhat stressfull, but all in all not that bad. Saturday night was a really good time for me, I got to hang with a lot of really cool people who I havn't really seen in a while. There is nothing like playing poker with a bunch of different people. But I've learned one thing: NEVER let Chris Higgs have ANY type of toy, especially any type of Dragon action-figure, because not only will he pretend the dragon is real, he will also steal your poker chips with the magnetic dragon foot. Oh god, funny times. But the night was good, it ended with Matt and myself watching part of the TERMINATOR!. Bad A** movie, so 80s though.

Friday night and Saturday morning consisted of me scrambling to finish my movie, which I've had an entire semester to do, that is due monday. But thanks to the help of Carolyn and Matt, it was sucessfull, despite some stressfull moments, we got done what needed to get done, and Matt was a good heroin addict. I applaud You for that. (My movie was about the horrors of heroin). ALL IN ALL, it was an alright weekend. allright peace out!


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