Saturday, December 02, 2006

People These Days...

So last night I was involved in a little car accident. It happend when Nico and I were driving to Fridays to meet up with Matt and Carolyn for a quick dinner before the North vs. Central basketball game. Anyways, Nico was approaching a stop sign on a very, very icy road. It was very weird. One minute me and Nico were talking about our parental issues, and the next minute Nico was screaming, "Oh Dammit" and laying on his breaks. But It was no use. His car ended up lightly skidding into the back bumper of a stopped Sedan at a stop sign. There was nothing either of us could do at this point, obviously, so we both got out of the car and asked the passengers of the other car if they were okay. There was a man and a women in the other car, and the man, when asked by Nico if he or his wife were okay, resonded by saying, "We're Hurt".
I didn't buy a word that was coming out of his mouth. First off, just the way he told my friend he was hurt was suspicious. He made no eye contact, and after he said that his wife and him were hurt, he falsingly put his head down on his head rest in an abrupt, swift movement, like he was trying to scare us. So after this, he said nothing more to us, and simply ignored us. This is when Nico called the police and reported an accident.

Now let's flash foward to about 10 minutes later, when the police, fire department, and ambulence shows up. After the police asked for my friends proof of insurance and license and everything that happens when you are involved in an accident occurs, we saw the two people of the other car get out of their car. The man told the authorites that nothing was wrong, nobody was hurt, and no damage was done, in other words, he told the exact truth. Me and Nico looked at each other with great relief as the officer came back to us and calmly explained that no report was going to be filed about the accident, and no report was to made to the other passenger's insurance company. In other words, we were off the hook for an accidnent that was, in my opinion, out of my friend's hands. Now the way I see it is that the people were trying to screw us by pretending to be hurt, but once they noticed all the authorities show up, they probobly decided that it wasn't the best idea to lie to all the police, ambulence, and fire department.

What confuses me is why people actually do this to other people everyday, and why sometimes these people are succesfull. The whole thing just really made me think. My friend wasn't doing anything but trying to get to Friday's safely. In my opinion, it was the completly frozen over road that caused the accident to begin with. Had this happend two days ago, or even a day before, it would have been a close call. All in all, I learned last night the lengths that some people will go through in order to make a quick dollar, which is pretty sick. I dont know about you, but where I come from, money isn't the most important thing in my life, even If I'm ever financially unstable, I should still have friends, family and support to make me feel happy. That's just my take on it all.


Blogger Matt said...

Dude, I hear ya on this one! Screw money, I could care less if I live in a crummy place and don't have a bunch of cash, as long as I'm happy!

Yeah, that night was crazy wierdly interesting! I can't believe I closed my eyes at Fight Club! Wish your parents had let you stay over...

11:44 PM  

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