Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It's been a while since I've posted...

My college essay for depaul is coming along... I just finished my rough draft, and it felt good, but I'm anxious to have other people critique it. SO this past weekend was the big meet in Peoria, or "hell" as i like to call it, because it always gets so hot down there during our race... I was literally in a state of "heat hysteria", where as i was in a state of panic at the end of my race because I felt like i was being sufficated to death because it was that hot... but after a couple of minutes i felt alot better.... But I'd have to say that that night was about 10 times better than the race i ran previously during the day. Carolyn picked me up, and we picked up Matt and Nico and drove to downtown Naperville. It was so much fun, just having a good time with good friends, nothing really beats that. At all. Especially after a rough cross country race. That night was a nice one. But let's fast-foward to about 4 hours later, when Carolyn had to retire for the night. Matt, Nico, and myself drove to Medow Glens Elementerey and just chilled and talked on the play ground untill about midnight, when we had to start heading home... But Let me tell you, it's weird sitting on a play ground that you know so well, that you spent many hours at with people you dont know anything about anymore.... people who i havnt seen in almost 10 years... it was a somewhat depressing and sad moment for me, sitting on the very tube slide that i slid down as a first grader, 2nd grader, 3rd, even 4th grader... It brought back a lot of memories from that time of my life, and not all of them are the best memories. I guess it was weird because my old house was about 5o yards away. As I slid down the slide in my 17 year-old body, I made my way towards the swings, which face my old house. I swing back and forth slowly, gazing into the cloudy night, wishing there were galaxies of stars and moons full of pretty colors to let me get a better look at my old house. But in reality all there is to see is a night full of clouds and a half moon... So i squint as hard as i can, and see a dark house. I smile to myself with tears in my eyes, and forever say goodbye to that part of my life, that time that made me who i am today, and head towards matt's car, where i go home and call it a night.


Blogger Matt said...

Yeah, so the playground was totally chill... Member all the times after One Acts when we went to Scott School and just relaxed on top of that big Paris/Eiffle Tower thingy? Those were the days, and I can't wait til One Acts this year!

7:32 PM  

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