Thursday, December 21, 2006

News Flash!!!

I found out last night that I have to.... are you ready for this?...... I have to.... This is bad.... Work on.... O god.... New Years Eve. There. I got it out. That was hard. Yeah, I'm working new years eve. And in case any of you dont know, I work at a busy Italian Resteraunt. In other words, It will be JAMMED. This is going to be the hardest I will ever work. I can tell you that right now. It's going to be super busy. New Years Eve is the biggest night for resteraunts. My only real fears for this night are that I get stuck at Angeli's when it's 2007. That could be cool, because for this past year, I have developed bonding relationships with a lot of the people there. Many of them are like older brothers/sisters I've never had. It's really cool. And that's pretty much the reason I wont quit. Anyways, I probobly will get off around 10ish, so that's still good, I can see my friends and family when the clock turns 12.


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