Sunday, October 01, 2006

Oh, The Great Weekend...

This weekend was a crazy one, It basically consisted of me catching up on A LOT of sleep, working like crazy at the resteraunt, and going to homecoming. Today, I ended it by typing up my fake National Enquier Article, practicing for Central Stage with Matt, Chris, Mike, Sarah, and Megan. I played bass, and my fingers hurt greatly, but I'm uber exited. After I got home from practice, I finished my UIC and NIU applications. Now all I have to do is turn in the envolopes to my counsler tomorrow morning. Sweet!

Let's backtrack though... This week has been almost paralyzing for me... It left me so stressed out and busy that I was completly drained creativly (writing wise and musically) and resulted in me getting into some of the worst moods I have ever been in. Not good. I hate when that happens.

This weekend was homecoming, it was alright... I realized that you really have to be "in the mood" for dancing, or you need a date, otherwise school dances are not that fun. That's the conclusion that i have come to about that...

Practice with Matt and CO. was a blast, it was really fun jamming with all my friends and such, i strongly reccombmend it... And as Matt was driving me home, we both decided that we really wanted to do an unplugged version of the Pixies song "Gigantic" for central stage... and it's a really easy song.... and a great one at that...

I'm also trying out for Central Stage with my long-time musical companion, Connor Rice, with our new band, The Experience. I'm exited about that the most of anything, because that is where i'm currently putting everything musically (besides my own music) into creativly. And i am really looking foward to that try-out.

Speaking of Music, I am currently listning to The Album Leaf's One Day I'll Be On Time, which is one of their first albums, and I really enjoy it... I can already tell that this is a CD I'll be listning to for a long time, it's that good...


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