Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have so many aspirations right now... and all I want to do right now is to go fufill my goals.
I want to create music, I want to write articles, I want to go to really good shows, I want to conduct interviews with interesting people, I want to see the world.

And most importantly, I want to give it what I have to offer.

I know that sounds cheesy, but It's true for me.

There's a reason that so many people use cliches, because a lot of them apply to people.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Kind of Blue

Right now, I'm currently listning to Kind Of Blue, by Miles Davis. This album is a lot of space, a lot of color. It's something to listen to while you fade away into deep sleep, or while simply walking down a downtown street at three o'clock in the morning. It kind of reminds me of the late night blues you feel after a long, rough night of a job that you hate. Anyways, I'm going to get back to listning to this album. I highly reccomend it to anyone.


College Entrance Exam

Dear College of John's Choice,
First off, let's get things straight. When admitted, John will not, absolutly NOT be forced to leave his dormatory for meals. In fact, John would prefer to have his meals served to him AT LEAST four times a day, and that dosent count the countless snacks that he will want, god forbid he becomes hungry inbetween meals. Every single morning, John will be served exactly FOUR scrambled eggs, welly cooked, with 3 slices of bacon, medium to well done, and most importantly, the toast. John has a zero tolerance for anyone screwing up his toast. When you serve John his toast, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT look at John. He is very sensitve about the way people serve him toast, and it has been known for John to seek clinical help for these matters. John has specifically told me that he wants his toast exactly toasted enough to be brown. If you over cook John's toast, you might as well come clean and tell him, because he will already know if you have messed up. That goes for all of John's Meals. The more he tells me, the more I will write you.


The Staff Eternally Intebted to John Berry.

P.S. - Upon the arrival of John's acceptance letter, he has given me specific instructions to decorate his letter with crayons, speically green colored crayons. After you decorate his acceptance letter with Green Crayons, John would really be pleased if you would spread sparkled paper over, to make it look nice and pretty. Thank You, and Farewell.

Friday, November 24, 2006


What's It like to be 17? I'd say It's awsome. I'm having the absolute time of my life right now. I'm having as much fun as I can with the people close to me NOW, before I have to leave next year. I was reading Matt's blog, about how he said that "being 17 enables me to take on the world with my "left foot", and that is exactly how I feel too. I feel as though the world is my little turn-table, and that I can freely put on new, old, and refreshing records that cater to my heart and fun and ambition. Now, I always take into consideration the safety of others, so dont think that I'm some crazy psycho-killer or anything, I'm just seventeen. And I have my entire life in front of me, and I know that in the long run, I will look back on these days with a broad smile on my face, and I will be satisfied.


So here I am... Only my keyboard and creative thought to guide me.
All that lies ahead of me is the white, empty space for me to aim my mind at and spill words of deep meaning and passion onto.
That is what goes through my head a lot of the times I write on these blogs. Sometimes I think I worry too much about trying to impress others with my writing, and often times this bogs me down, big time, and results in me just simply not writing at all. Which isnt good. At all. This is a big problem for me, especially If writing is something I want to do as a career. I do think that I am improving this tick of mine, and hopefully It shouldn't be THAT big of an issue anymore.
All in All, I just need to lossen up and have more of an open, happy mind.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Right now I often find myself thinking about my future, and where it might lead me. This is very stressfull, and can even be some-what depressing. I've always been ready to branch out and explore the horizons the world has to offer, but part of me is also scared of leaving my family and friends behind in order to do so... I dont know why this is becoming a major theame for me lately, maybe it's weird things that bring topics like the future. For example, after watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I started to think about all of this. The future, the fear of forgetting what you left behind, etc.

I'm sure I will become more clear-headed as I continue on with the week.

Monday, November 20, 2006


So I just rented a ton of movies, and I'm in the biggest rush to finish them...
I'll give you folks out there a list of what I rented....

Dead Poets Society
25th Hour
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
Blair Witch Project

So far, I've seen Dead Poets, Blair Witch, and that's about it. Dead Poets was amazing, of course, and The Blair Witch scared the living crap out of me, as expected.

That's about it!!

Catch you all on the flip side!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Musical Rennaissance

Right now, I'm actually doing some research on my big essay writing project. The topic that I chose was West and Central African music. So far, I've covered the West African percussion part of my research. At this moment of procrastinational bliss, I am discovering so much mind blowing music, It's really cool. The way they use drums in West Africa is mind blowing. I bet you guys didn't know this, but they use drums to communicate with one another, over miles and miles apart. The talking drum, as the term goes, is actually tied in with many of these countrie's languages. You see, many of their language is actually tonal based. In other words, there words are based on the tone of voice. It's all very cool

I will stop here, and just save all of that for my essay.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I love Bob Dylan. There is no other way to put it. In my many years now of musical renniassance and exploration, I have yet to come across such meaningfull poetry and song-writing. He just defines it. He captivates you with his lyrical genius and his beatifull harmonic accompiments with his backing accoustic guitar. And he's still keeping on with it. At the ripe age of 65, this legend will never die.

Currently Listning: Shelter From The Storm off of Blood on The Tracks.

I strongly reccomend this song to anyone that hasn't heard it before. And for that matter, I'd reccomend Bob Dylan to anyone that hasn't given him a listen yet.


So today I've figured out why people jog... or why I would at least...

Everyday people face ups and downs of all sorts. Sometimes these ups and downs may come fast, slow, or too quick for one to handle. All of these ups and downs of stress may be running errands, doing homework, or arguing with someone. If all these things were re-inacted through somebody driving a car, the car would be going the speed of sound one minute, and the next it would be going as fast as a slug. If you catch my drift here, then picture running. When most people go for a short jog or morning run, they usually start out decently fast or slow, then eventually speed up or slow down to their accustomed pace, or a pace in which they feel most combfertable with. Coming from experience, this is something very relaxing to do before or after a stressfull day, because It puts your body and mind into a steady, even pace in which you are able to think about one thing at a time and it "pulses" the garbage out of you. In all those words scrambled together, it's very meditive. Now jogging may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it sure works for me.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Right now, I'm going to give reviews of my favorite albums.

The first album I am going to talk about is Feel Good Lost, by Broken Social Scene. This album will take you places emotionally you have never been before, It's music is so pure, to the point of artistical and musical mastry. The majority of this CD produces a beatifull array of dream pop, indie rock, and very relaxed, fast paced rhythms especially felt on songs such as "Last Place". The ambient, wintry feel of "Guilty Cubicles" shows the Band's capability to embark you on a mind trip for the better. All in all if you ever want to chill out, have something to listen to early in the morning, then this is the album to listen to.

I will have more cd's to write about later, untill then

Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Good Books

Cry, The Beloved Country... Yeah.... Definitley not my favorite book. However, I would highly recommend the book, Pure Sunshine, by Brian James. Being an easy read, It should be easy to finish this book in less than a day. Basically this book is about a kid about my age (17/18,19ish) who freely experiments with LSD. The whole book is set over a time period of about 3 nights that tell the tales of this young man who goes on two acid trips with his friends, and how much it affects him. In other words, NEVER do acid, it will really screw you up in the head. But this book has a nice ending, and that's all i'll give away.

Another good book that I really enjoy is Farewell to Arms, by the man himself, Ernest Hemmingway. Also written in simple format, this is a work of literary art in my opinion. Being the realist Hemmingway was, he wrote things extreamly simple, and leaves it up to you, the reader to decipher and interpret the reading for yourself.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Final Halloween

Last night was a one shot deal, and my friends and myself lived it out to the best of our abilities. Before I went out, I was listning to Sonic Youth's Badmoon Rising album, which is basically an entire record of droning feedback, creepy songs, and a lot of wacked-out guitar tunings thrown into an hour and a half of just that. Scary, psycho-killer type music. And i have to say that It got me into the Halloween spirit.
Anyways, as I was listning to Sonic Youth, I decided to be an old fashioned, clean-cut nerd, 50's style for the night. Now, mind you all, I was Elwood from the Blues Brothers earlier in the day, but it didn't work out too well. It turns out that my fellow blues brother, Chirs Higgs, has a completly different schedule than I do. So we never saw each other, and I just didn't feel like a true, Legit Blues Brother. All in all, it was a change for the best. I went downstairs, posed in a picture for my mom, and the night was all mine, baby!

We rampaged, we got free candy, we explored open graveyards to the public, i had a 40 year old man get in my face (that's a story all in itself), we moshed, we conquerd, we ruled the night. It was a fantastic halloween, and i'll never forget it.