Saturday, December 23, 2006


So as of late I've really been getting into Pink Floyd. And as I've been getting into them, I've of course been reading into their history as a band together. And often times when I do this, I first read into the beginnings of the band. When I did this with Pink Floyd, I learned a lot about their origonal founding memer, Syd Barret. It's really sad how everything for him kind of went to slop. Even if he did have a great, but brief solo career, he could have had a much better career with Pink Floyd. Right now you're probobly asking, "Well, why did he leave the band?" Basically, he went totaly nuts. Took a bunch of acid, too much for his own good. Obviously, LSD is NOT good for you in copius amounts, and, depending on who you are, one time is just enough to do you in. And he pretty much, from my understanding did it all of the time. He went from being their most talented member to the most mentally unstable. He was known at shows to do nothing by play one chord for the entire set. So eventually, they replaced him with amazing guitarist David Gilmore, who has been with Pink Floyd ever since.

But all in all, It's still really sad, he could have had it all, but didn't because he took too many drugs. He, in my opinion, is one of the best songwriters and musicans of all time. The song, "Jugband Blues" makes me cry. No joke. He will always be remembered through his crafty songs, and RIP, Syd Barret.


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