Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Final Post...

Well, folks, this is it... the 50th post... It's been a fun run, I must say. I've really enjoyed posting on here. Throughout this semester, I've mostly posted on blogger to get what I'm thinking out there, to you. Out there to my teacher, Mrs. Green. By the way, Mrs. Green, I really think you were an awsome teacher, and I'd like to thank you for being such a great teacher. You've really helped me with my writing techniques and whatnot. I just think that's really cool. All in all, I've thourgholy enjoyed posting... and I'm sure I will be back.... Just not as often. I will most likely post when I really feel something....

I've enjoyed our time together, blogger.

Peace and Love.


So as of late I've really been getting into Pink Floyd. And as I've been getting into them, I've of course been reading into their history as a band together. And often times when I do this, I first read into the beginnings of the band. When I did this with Pink Floyd, I learned a lot about their origonal founding memer, Syd Barret. It's really sad how everything for him kind of went to slop. Even if he did have a great, but brief solo career, he could have had a much better career with Pink Floyd. Right now you're probobly asking, "Well, why did he leave the band?" Basically, he went totaly nuts. Took a bunch of acid, too much for his own good. Obviously, LSD is NOT good for you in copius amounts, and, depending on who you are, one time is just enough to do you in. And he pretty much, from my understanding did it all of the time. He went from being their most talented member to the most mentally unstable. He was known at shows to do nothing by play one chord for the entire set. So eventually, they replaced him with amazing guitarist David Gilmore, who has been with Pink Floyd ever since.

But all in all, It's still really sad, he could have had it all, but didn't because he took too many drugs. He, in my opinion, is one of the best songwriters and musicans of all time. The song, "Jugband Blues" makes me cry. No joke. He will always be remembered through his crafty songs, and RIP, Syd Barret.

What A Night

Wow... What a Night....

By far a crazy one... Consisted of Nico and I just wandering the area... doing a bunch of nothing.

Here's a list of what we did....

Went off-roading... (in a mini van)
Used glitter as means of destruction
Bought a Chrome, 2 pipe exhaust for my van
Lost the chrome pipe on the highway
Ended up finding it... on the highway... risking our lives at the same time

Wow. ... it was so monumentous buying and finding that Chrome exhaust, all destroyed on the highway. I'll try and post a picture of it up. It was so funny. And I'm very surprised that nobody reported my plates when we went off roading. God that was hillarious. By the time I got home, the van was absolutly coated with mud. I had to clean it just so my parents wouldn't see it. Matt, me and Nico really wish you were there.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Linger On, Your Pale Blue Eyes...

This is by far, the strangest weather I have ever seen during christmast time. It's three days before X-Mas, and it's in the mid 50s. I feel like it's march or april and that school is coming to a close. It's weird. It's almost like a substitute for my christmas spirit. Whatever. I'm sure all of this will subside soon enough. AKA in the next few days. I have to say I'm pretty stoked for this christmas break. It should be really nice, not having school and whatnot. I'm so ready to just have fun and do a whole lot of nothing.

That's about all I got for now.

Peace and Love.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Bad Case of Writers Block...

So here I am, trying to muster up the best words I can to write on this here blog. Let me tell you, when you have "writers block" it's a lot harder than it looks. Well, I supose I could tell you what I'm doing right now. I'm listning to The Velvet Underground. If you havn't listened to them, I strongly reccomend that you do so ASAP. I'm listning to the classic album they put out, The Velvet Underground and Nico. It's pretty funny, because one of my best pals is named Nico. Strangly enough, I never think of him when hearing the title of the album. It's weird just how many references there are to Nico concerning Nico. Hahaha, Nico's a funny guy. Perfect example: This guy ALWAYS answers his phone. So today Matt and I were driving, and Nico was still in his Grammer final. So I say to Matt, "I gurruntee you that if i call nico, he will pick up". And of course Matt is completly pessimistic about it saying, "No way, who is dumb enough to pick up their phone during a final?!?!" I totaly proved him wrong. Sure enough, after a few short rings, we hear this very faint, very quiet, "hello?". "dude i'm in a final, whatsup?" HAHAHAHA. Oh god, so funny, me and matt must have been laughing for a while.

Nico, I applaud you for being yourself. Keep on keepin' on.


So today after finals I went to guitar center with matt. It was pretty fun. I pretty much bought a capo and jammed on the banjos the whole time. I really like the feel of a banjo, it's fun to play and has a very unique sound to it. Someday, when I get some money, I hope to have one. I really think it could spice up my music. Anyways, after guitar center, we headed on over to portilos, and that was somewhat satisfying, since we were a bit hungry. And pretty much after that, I went home, took a long nap, and went to work. In a nutshell, thats what my entire week has been like. Just like that. Since I have only had two finals, I've had a lot of down time. Basically, no studying, which is great, and relaxing.

Overall, I'm happy the semester is over.

News Flash!!!

I found out last night that I have to.... are you ready for this?...... I have to.... This is bad.... Work on.... O god.... New Years Eve. There. I got it out. That was hard. Yeah, I'm working new years eve. And in case any of you dont know, I work at a busy Italian Resteraunt. In other words, It will be JAMMED. This is going to be the hardest I will ever work. I can tell you that right now. It's going to be super busy. New Years Eve is the biggest night for resteraunts. My only real fears for this night are that I get stuck at Angeli's when it's 2007. That could be cool, because for this past year, I have developed bonding relationships with a lot of the people there. Many of them are like older brothers/sisters I've never had. It's really cool. And that's pretty much the reason I wont quit. Anyways, I probobly will get off around 10ish, so that's still good, I can see my friends and family when the clock turns 12.

Free Write

It's impossible for me to describe something in detail. You might as well gouge my eyes out and throw me to the dogs for dinner. The first sentence my teacher gives me to elaborate says quite simply "I felt really lucky". "OK", I think to myself. "This isn't so bad".
Boy, I was so wrong. Miliseconds turned into seconds. Ten seconds felt like 5 minutes. 15 grueling minutes later, I'd managed to come up with one single sentence: I felt like a four leaf clover. Somebody please put me out of my misery. I DONT feel like a four leaf clover, AT ALL!!!! I feel like poison ivy, and all I do is cause grieft to anyone who has the great misfourtune of simply touching me. For the next ten minutes, I managed to scribble down a few paragraphs about the history of four leaf clovers, and just how lucky they really are.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

music life

Man, It's been such a long time since I have practiced with my band. I'm getting so anxious to get in the same room with those guys, and also anxious to make me and Connor's collaborations a reality. I feel really good about this band, and all of our practices have been ultimatly succesfull. Now we just need to find the time... That ALWAYS seems to be a major issue. I just hope we get shows that are not at NCHS for once, that would realy be nice, because let's face it, that's the only for a band to branch out. I guess time can only tell what will happen, and untill that I might as well live my life like normal.

Monday, December 18, 2006


So I just got back my group presentation grade. Yeah. Not too happy. I guess I could blame myself, but not for all of it. I had everything planned out the way I wanted to present. Everything was going to go perfect. From reading a quote out of a CD booklet, to playing a full song, not 30 seconds of it. Everything was going to be good with my presentation. But It wasn't. First off, I had no idea that two of our presenters were going to go for ten full minutes each. That wasn't my fault. Second, If they had just maybe sped it up a little, I would have gone earlier, and Matt wouldn't throw such a fit. That's one of the main factors that screwed my presentatin up. And I dont think It's fair that he got an A, and I get a B -, a B- for something that I tried to do to the best of my abilities, but was rudly interrupted by Matt more than once throughout my presentation. I understand that he did not want to go the next day. But It wasn't like he was going to go anyway. We had already run out of time. I'm just upset that I get a crappy grade that does nothing for my semester average. I have put forth a lot more than 83% effort in this class. I followed all the stupid guidelines. I did everything. I'm sorry, I know my speech was mediocre, but I get flustered easily, and Matt kept pestering me to hurry things up, so that he could go. Which is pretty lame, because In effort to hurry things up, I got more and more nervous, and a bit mad too because I was being interrupted. I just dont think It's fair, becuase of course he gets to go the next day and he does fine.

I'm just saying that things werent handled fairly. At all.

Whatever, I just want to end this class. The only thing that I took from this project was that West African Music is awsome, and that's ALL I took. Not anything grammatical or how to properly do a works cited, or how to handle a speech when you are being interrupted.

Matt, we are still cool, I just dont think I was graded fairly, that's all.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Free Write

I wrote this randomly a couple of nights ago... While listning to one of my favorite bands, Explosions In The Sky. Hence, the use of song titles and the band name.

Look into the air...
Explosions in the sky above...
Nothing you can do, see, hear.
Just looking into the bleak amount of nothing
The amount of your tears invested into this dark sky...

Look into the beatiful sky...

I'm not really sure what that meant, or what it means. I guess some could show just how small humans are to the rest of the universe. When you think about it, all we are is tiny specks, and the everlasting universe could eat us up in a second. I could go on for hours about this. This is something that just boggles my mind. It's just crazy to think about how everything could have started. How did space itself begin? There wasn't just space out of nowhere... It's an interesting thought....

hope for things to come

So I guess I wrote this, I just found it in my wallet, and I'm guessing It's from the summer, Because on the piece of paper, it says "Grand Canyon Inn" on it, and I went on this huge grand canyon trip over the summer, so that must be it. Come to think of it, on this trip, I had my accoustic with me, and I had a lot of time to play and write songs, Etc. I also had a lot of time with my head. So i though a lot about my future and what-not, so I'm guessing I wrote this out of despiration on some late night overlooking this huge, expansive canyon.

Too bad I'll never post it...

A tale about a succesfull author...

There once was a poet,
who didn't even know it.
He searched and he searched by writing his poems and his books
untill he found the answer,
and even though it wasn't the exact answer he was looking for,
he realized that in the end, it would make him happy.
And that's all that REALLY mattered at the end of the day.

And to this day, he Hasn't lived happily ever after, but he learns from his mistakes, and builds from that to add to his character.

His is still happy.

Weekend Conclusion...

This weekend was somewhat stressfull, but all in all not that bad. Saturday night was a really good time for me, I got to hang with a lot of really cool people who I havn't really seen in a while. There is nothing like playing poker with a bunch of different people. But I've learned one thing: NEVER let Chris Higgs have ANY type of toy, especially any type of Dragon action-figure, because not only will he pretend the dragon is real, he will also steal your poker chips with the magnetic dragon foot. Oh god, funny times. But the night was good, it ended with Matt and myself watching part of the TERMINATOR!. Bad A** movie, so 80s though.

Friday night and Saturday morning consisted of me scrambling to finish my movie, which I've had an entire semester to do, that is due monday. But thanks to the help of Carolyn and Matt, it was sucessfull, despite some stressfull moments, we got done what needed to get done, and Matt was a good heroin addict. I applaud You for that. (My movie was about the horrors of heroin). ALL IN ALL, it was an alright weekend. allright peace out!

Modest Mouse

Basically, I Love Modest Mouse. They are becoming one of my favorite bands. Words can't describe the sheer awsomeness of their music. They have their own distinct sound to them, and it is something so unique and beatiful that you just feel really accomplished when you listen to them. They have the remarkable ability to embark you on an emotional roller coaster- all in one song. For example, in the song "The Stars Are Projectors", the song opens up with a very heavy, drony, and somewhat scary heavy sound to it, like you are being dragged through hell itself. After about a minute and a half of that, the song takes a drastic, yet sutile turn and you feel very peacefull and happy. It's just amazing. For starters, I'd reccommend The Moon and Antarctica. That entire CD is amazing. You will be moved to tears at points, It's a very touching album.

Friday, December 15, 2006


This past week was insane. By far one of the bussiest weeks of my highschool career. A lot of stress, useless arguing and bickering, and a huge long term paper and presentation. AKA, It all drove me through an effing wall. Not just through the wall, but up the wall, and through the steel ceiling. And the rat race isnt even close to being finished with. I still have finals and all that junk... I just want this all to end.


This weekend is already driving me out of my mind. I'm just about ready to lose it here. See, my lazy partner and myself decided to procrastinate and throw our huge film project off to the last minute, and now I'm trudging through lava to try and get It done. I'm really stressed right now because It just needs to get done, and I have to study for a few finals i guess.

Who Cares... I just want to start filming...


Here is an example of a completly pointless blog entry.

Today, I woke up, and then I went to school. I was very tired, obviously, I hate getting up in the morning. Gee, how school sucks. So I got into my car, picked up my friends, and then we got stuck in some gnarly traffic. I HATE traffic. Traffic is awful. Unbearable, absolutly unbearable. Then, I got to school, where I learned.

The End....

There you have it folks, a boring blog entry, and the only boring one I will ever post!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Running To Stand Still

Right now, I have an incredible amount of stuff to get done by the time this week is out. With the exception of my essay on West African music, which is due on Wendsday, I have a to film a movie, compose a 36-barre music piece, go to work, do my works cited, do a powerpoint, study for a unit test, and that about it. Oh, yeah I also have to read a book. This is insanity. It's a week before the finals, and these teachers are making me read a book and compose a music piece. Whatever, procrastination is in my blood, and it's going to be there for a while.

Basically, right now I'm running to stand still. Like that U2 song.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Go Time

So this is it, tomorrow will embark the beginning of the end, the start of the sage.
Nah, Its not that big of a deal, only finals. The only final that I should worry about right now is Psych. I REALLY need to prepare for that, or else it will bite in my you know what. Pretty much the only areas I need to worry about right now is getting stuff done on time. A perfect example: My huge essay writing project, this blog, and my music theory project, which is composing your own 36 bar piece. That is a piece of cake for me. In fact, I already have my piece recorded. Only problem is that we have to have it written out on staff paper. That's never any fun.

guess i better get to it.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"A Song For... Someone Beneath Somewhere"

I can't stop listning to the sounds
This new sound in paticular...
This new sound that gives me that extra boost to keep on keeping on.
That new sound that sparks inspiration at the blink of an eye.
That sound that touches someone in such a significant way that they can't explain in words how amazing it makes them feel...

For me right now, I am over-whelmed by a lot of new "sounds", or newly discovered bands/ musical artists of their genres. I am so overwhelmed with wanting to change my sound in music, but before I do that, I have to become better at guitar. Practically speaking, I dont think I am that good. It's something I definietly need to improve on. I'm sick of being stuck inside of a box. I need to expand my horizons, and branch out more musically. But first, I need to get this research project done. And that will take up the rest of this week.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

50 Posts...

So by December 22nd or something, I need approximently 50 blogs. So far, I have about 29. This is going to be a bit tough, since I only like to write when I 'got stuff on my mind'. Oh well. I think I can do it. I just have to post more than a few times a day, which If I get off my butt, I can do it. Oh well, It makes me feel better when I hear kids say how they have only 5 blogs posted. Those kids are in a hole. Sorry guys, I feel for ya.

29 down, 21 to go, I think

I cant do math.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

People These Days...

So last night I was involved in a little car accident. It happend when Nico and I were driving to Fridays to meet up with Matt and Carolyn for a quick dinner before the North vs. Central basketball game. Anyways, Nico was approaching a stop sign on a very, very icy road. It was very weird. One minute me and Nico were talking about our parental issues, and the next minute Nico was screaming, "Oh Dammit" and laying on his breaks. But It was no use. His car ended up lightly skidding into the back bumper of a stopped Sedan at a stop sign. There was nothing either of us could do at this point, obviously, so we both got out of the car and asked the passengers of the other car if they were okay. There was a man and a women in the other car, and the man, when asked by Nico if he or his wife were okay, resonded by saying, "We're Hurt".
I didn't buy a word that was coming out of his mouth. First off, just the way he told my friend he was hurt was suspicious. He made no eye contact, and after he said that his wife and him were hurt, he falsingly put his head down on his head rest in an abrupt, swift movement, like he was trying to scare us. So after this, he said nothing more to us, and simply ignored us. This is when Nico called the police and reported an accident.

Now let's flash foward to about 10 minutes later, when the police, fire department, and ambulence shows up. After the police asked for my friends proof of insurance and license and everything that happens when you are involved in an accident occurs, we saw the two people of the other car get out of their car. The man told the authorites that nothing was wrong, nobody was hurt, and no damage was done, in other words, he told the exact truth. Me and Nico looked at each other with great relief as the officer came back to us and calmly explained that no report was going to be filed about the accident, and no report was to made to the other passenger's insurance company. In other words, we were off the hook for an accidnent that was, in my opinion, out of my friend's hands. Now the way I see it is that the people were trying to screw us by pretending to be hurt, but once they noticed all the authorities show up, they probobly decided that it wasn't the best idea to lie to all the police, ambulence, and fire department.

What confuses me is why people actually do this to other people everyday, and why sometimes these people are succesfull. The whole thing just really made me think. My friend wasn't doing anything but trying to get to Friday's safely. In my opinion, it was the completly frozen over road that caused the accident to begin with. Had this happend two days ago, or even a day before, it would have been a close call. All in all, I learned last night the lengths that some people will go through in order to make a quick dollar, which is pretty sick. I dont know about you, but where I come from, money isn't the most important thing in my life, even If I'm ever financially unstable, I should still have friends, family and support to make me feel happy. That's just my take on it all.

Friday, December 01, 2006


So today was a snow day... YEAH PEOPLE!!!!!
It was a really fun-filled day for the masses and masses of happy, content students of many district 203 schools. As many kids woke up happy to see that their clocks said it WASNT before 7 AM, they felt a sense of relief and satisfaction that only one can feel when they know they can catch as many Z's as they want without having to wake up 5 minutes later to a droning sound that pierces your ears untill you wake up. Yes, it was a day for the masses of happy students. A day that called for celebration. Some went sledding, some made hot chocolate and watched "The 25 Days of Christmas" on ABC Family. Others threw snow balls at cars, and some were content with the simple joy of a snow man, while some made snow angels. Whatever it was that you did on this snow day, I'm sure you had fun, and from me, I'll just leave this blog with a happy snow day!